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2023年度 定時総会を開催



The 2023 General Meeting of Members was held on May 30, 2023 at Koyo Grand Hotel in Sendai City with roughly 50 members and other interested persons in attendance.

All items on the agenda, including the 2022 Activities Report, the 2023 Activity Plan and the Board of Executives organization, were approved by the General Meeting. Furthermore, Hiroaki Takahashi resigned from his position of Chairman and Jiro Masuko was newly appointed as his successor as of the General Meeting.




Matt Fraser マット・フレーザー 在日カナダ大使館参事官(広報部長)

2000年、カナダ連邦政府グローバル連携省に入省。在日カナダ大使館参事官としてメディア、文化産業、教育プロモーション、人的交流を担当するチームを率いる。前職は、オタワ本省 北東アジア・大洋州局副局⾧(商務)。2011~2016年には在名古屋カナダ領事館領事兼通商代表を務める。在ベトナムカナダ通商代表、在日カナダ大使館商務官の経験を有する。オンタリオ州オタワ生まれ。マギル大学(モントリオール)、キャピラノ大学(バンクーバー)で学位を取得。

Matt Fraser joined Global Affairs Canada in 2000. As Counsellor of the Public Affairs Program at the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo, he leads the team responsible for media, cultural industries, education promotion, and public diplomacy including academic relations and sport. Prior to arriving in Tokyo he was the Deputy Director, Commercial, of the Northeast Asia and Oceania Division, in Ottawa, and from 2011 to 2016 he served as Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner at the Consulate of Canada in Nagoya, Japan. Earlier overseas assignments include as Trade Program Manager in Hanoi, Vietnam, and as Trade Commissioner in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Fraser was born in Ottawa, Ontario, and completed his studies at McGill University in Montreal, and Capilano University in Vancouver.

定時総会後の講演会では、在日カナダ大使館のマット・フレーザー参事官から、「Building bridges between Canada and Japan over 25 years.カナダと日本を結ぶ25年の歩み」と題して講演いただきました。


The General Meeting of Members was followed by a presentation titled “Building bridges between Canada and Japan over 25 years” by Matt Fraser, the Counsellor of the Public Affairs Program at the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo.

 After sharing his own career profile, Mr. Fraser spoke about the progress made in cultivating friendship between Canada and Japan over the years through such events as Olympic Games, the Expo, the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation provided all with an invaluable opportunity to reaffirm the ties between the two countries.












At the party, the guests enjoyed Canadian wines and dishes prepared with Canadian ingredients.

We must also express our gratitude to our corporate members for making it possible for us to offer Christmas gifts to all participants.

For entertainment, the Tohoku Electric Power Mittagessen Chor men’s chorus group made a special appearance, brightening up the atmosphere with renditions of the Canadian anthem, Christmas songs, and others.


カナダ大使館主催 カナダ留学説明会が仙台市で初開催




The Embassy of Canada held a Study in Canada briefing for the first time in Sendai City on July 21, 2023.

The briefing consisted of basic information about studying in Canada, including a brief outline of the country itself and its education system.

Held at TKP Garden City PREMIUM Sendai West Exit, the event attracted more than 50 participants, including students interested in studying in Canada and their parents, representatives of schools, and others. Attendance actually exceeded seating capacity, with standing room only for some.


カナダ海軍の英雄 R.H.グレー大尉を追悼




On August 9, 2023, a memorial service was held on the premises of the Onagawa Regional Medical Center for Lieutenant Robert Hampton (R. H.) Gray, the Royal Canadian Navy pilot who was killed in action in Onagawa Bay during World War II. Robert Watt, Canada Defense Attache in Tokyo, Christian Howes, Commercial Counsellor (Ontario), representatives of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, and officials representing Onagawa town offered floral tributes and prayers for the fallen hero.

Speaking at the service, Captain Watt said: “By reflecting on this historical event, we count the heavy cost of war. At the same time, former enemies come together to further the cause of continued peace.”

On November 10, a Remembrance Day service was held at the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo to commemorate the war dead. The service was attended by Ibuki Kanda, the 15-year-old great-grandson of the late Yoshio Kanda, who devoted a huge effort to building a monument in memory of Lt. Gray. In his speech in English, Mr. Kanda spoke of his continuing friendship with the surviving family of Lt. Gray and expressed his wish for peace, drawing a standing ovation from the participants.

ワット大佐(右から3人目)、ハウズ駐日代表(右から2人目)をはじめ慰霊碑を囲む関係者 リメンバランスデー式典でのスピーチの様子(神田惟吹さん)


Tohoku Canada-Japan Society
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